Who Is Responsible For An Double Loft Bed Budget? 12 Top Ways To Spend Your Money

A Small Loft Bed Makes a Great Choice For Kids' Rooms A small loft bed can be a wonderful option for a child's bedroom as it lets children to make use of the space below for playing or for studying. This West Elm choice has a sleek Mid-Century style and comes in two finishes. It requires some assembly however the instructions are simple and clear. Note that this loft bed is only used with a mattress 9 inches or lower; anything higher could extend beyond the safety guard rails. Storage It might be a bit awkward to use a loft bed to create more storage space, but this is a very useful idea. For instance, rather than the traditional bookcase that takes up the floor space, a lofted bed can be used as a bookcase, and the sides can be used to create other uses like a reading nook or display shelves. A lofted bed can also be used as a workspace which allows children to create a workspace to complete homework and other tasks without taking up living space in a tiny room. A lot of loft beds for kids have a desk space underneath. You can add one to any loft bed, or build it yourself, or adapting the space beneath the bed using some shelves as well as an improvised table. For example, this loft bed from Wayfair (shown in white) has a desk built into the front of the bunk and a bookshelf with an adjustable ladder which doubles as side rails. The minimalist design of the bunk makes it a good fit for any bedroom with kids and the slatted safety rails are ideal for rooms with low ceilings. This model from Ikea has plenty of storage space. The loft bed is available in a variety of finishes to match different styles of decor including modern and rustic. The bottom of the loft features two drawers, and the top is open to reveal more storage space. This model is a good choice for adults who are seeking to transform their bedroom into a work space or for children who need plenty of space for books and toys. If you have a child who loves to read, you could turn your loft into a little library by adding some shelves and a comfy bean bag chair that can be used to curl in with a good book. You can also make a cute composition by adding an area rug, a couple of chairs, a coffee table, and a few baskets or boxes for additional storage. A loft bed that is built into an playhouse is the ideal option for a child who is just starting out, but the design can still be appreciated by teens who might require a space to work from and study. This model from Kidkraft is a little less complicated to build than others, and it comes with plans that provide step-by-step instructions with images of cutting the pieces, assembling the bunk, and making the stairs. The plans come with an inventory of the tools and materials you'll need. Space When it comes to tiny loft beds the space they free up beneath them is often as important as the bed itself. This extra space can be used for a desk or for a comfortable sitting area. This is an ideal method to create a unique design feature to a tiny bedroom for adults or a child's room or a studio apartment. Loft beds are a great way to give a room that has low ceilings a rustic, chic or industrial vibe. This bed, which is part of the Polish interior firm Home and Wood, has an elegant ladder that leads up to a mattress set on the wooden platform. A simple chair and a few accent pieces complete the design. If your ceilings are tall enough, a full-size loft bed could be even larger. Pottery Barn Waverly loft beds, for instance, come in two sizes, and different finishes. They also offer plenty of space underneath the bed to give you a comfortable bed and more space. Another option that is great is this X-shaped bunk bed from DHP which comes with staggered steps and a slide for easy access and safety. The loft bed has a bottom section that can be used for an area for study or play. It comes with benches and storage cubbies, as an stairway that leads to the top bunk bed. bed loft is ideal for bedrooms for teens or children' rooms. It can be rearranged to meet the needs of your child as they become more mature. Many loft beds are equipped with shelves for books as part of the design. This is especially useful for homes with smaller spaces or if you simply prefer to keep your knick-knacks and books off the floor. Making a cozy reading area with a lamp and some comfortable seating is a great idea to make use of this space and it's especially useful for a teenager's or adult's room. A loft bed is also an ideal workstation for in a dorm. This loft bed with a pull-out desk from Naomi Home offers plenty of space for a laptop and a desk and a shelving unit on each side to store books and toys as well as other things. Fun Getting a loft bed for your children does not just mean storage space, it can also make it enjoyable. A small slide under a loft bed is a fantastic way to bring some playtime action to their bedroom, as well as an easy and quick climb out of the top bunk. This kids' bed from DONCO comes with a built-in slide and ladder that is sure to please any child and it's possible to add later on if they'd prefer to go the easy way to the top in the near future. If slides aren't for your child, then you can still make your loft bed cool by transforming the lower level into a cozy area with a rug and chairs. The cozy area can be used to read, play games, relax or watch TV with friends. It is an ideal method to keep the room tidy and provide a great place to hangout. When their loft is designed as an cabin, complete with windows and an accent on the roof, children can feel like they're in their own castle. You can even give the loft a unique appearance by using wallpapers, wall paints or stickers that resemble trees, the sky or some other outdoor feature. Your kids will love playing and sleeping in their loft, especially during snowy days. For an extra touch of design, you could change out a ladder for a more fun spiral staircase. You can purchase one of these spiral stairs or create your own to create a small loftbed, as seen in the bedroom designs on HGTV. The staircase has a nice X-shape on the side and can be redesigned as your children grow. You can also construct a loft with an office and storage underneath it for your kids to work on their homework or do any other task. There are a number of plans online for this type of loft bed, and many are easy enough to construct on your own, like this plan from House of Wood. The plans include all the instructions and a list with the necessary materials and cuts for each part. This loft bed can be made to fit a full-size mattress and also provides space beneath for a desk or seating. Safety Bunk and loft beds are popular with kids however, they carry dangers. Children are often injured by loft and bunk beds every year, with injuries ranging from broken bones, cuts, scrapes and head and neck injuries. Luckily, most of these injuries are preventable and easily avoided by putting the proper safety measures in place. The first step is to ensure that the bunk or loft bed is positioned correctly in the room. It should not be positioned against the wall as this can cause children to become wedged between the wall and the top of the bunk bed. Allow a space of at three inches between the bottom of the guardrail and the top of your mattress foundation. When you are putting the bunk bed up, be sure that it is away from things like blinds, curtains windows, and ceiling fans that could block the view of a child, or cause her to fall off the side of the bunk. The bunk should also not be placed near anything that could hang from the rails, including cords or toys. A solid, sturdy frame is a must for any loft or bunk bed. Select a frame made from durable materials such as metal or pine. A platform or frame with slats is another option that can be comfortable and safe for your kids. Loft beds and bunk beds with an solid platform or slats do not require a box spring which is more secure for children. Find a loft with guardrails on both sides of the top level, and a ladder that you are able to lock into place. Kids younger than six should not be sleeping on the top bunk and make sure you enforce this rule by regularly reminding them of the dangers. Also having a night light placed on the top bunk can help kids find their way back down the darkness. A loft safety net is another important precaution to take. It attaches at the corners of the top bunk to prevent children from falling. These nets are available in different sizes and colors to match any bedroom decor. They are also simple to set up.